Thursday, May 03, 2012

Queer theory

A queer thing happened at a recent May Day protest. But the queerest bit was how it was reported.

The Dissociated Press produced its annual tear-stained "news" story about how few immivasion activists showed up for the Gimme Citizenship Festival. However, a rival Victim Group™ swelled the protester numbers by at least one.
ATLANTA (AP) — While a black preacher told about 100 immigration protesters that incarcerated blacks and detained immigrants faced similar challenges, Jesse Morgan stood to one side of the May Day demonstrators, holding a large sign that read "Radical Queers Resist."

Although the rally was geared toward illegal immigrants, the 24-year-old Georgia State sociology major said gays can relate, too, because they often face discrimination.

"And besides," he said. "There are queers who are undocumented."
Undocumented queers! If a county fair offered a blue ribbon to the first prize politically correct identity, that would be a strong contender.

Incidentally, the Dissociated Press does not discriminate against reporters who can't write very well. Take the first sentence: "While a black preacher told about 100 immigration protesters that incarcerated blacks and detained immigrants ... " The syntax had me wondering at first why the immigration protesters had incarcerated blacks and detained others of their persuasion. 

But there was yet more queerness.

At the news aggregation (or aggravation) site, the story's opening was quoted:
ATLANTA — While a black preacher told 100 immigration protesters that incarcerated blacks and detained immigrants faced similar challenges, Jesse Morgan stood to one side of the May Day demonstrators, holding a large sign that read "Radical Q****s Resist." Although the rally was geared toward illegal immigrants, the 24-year-old Georgia State sociology major said gays can relate, too, because they often face discrimination. "And besides," he said. "There are q****s who are undocumented." 
So the original story apparently deemed "queer" too insensitive to print, like n****r ... even though it was a self-described q****r who used the word. The story is now slugged "Updated 09:32 p.m., Wednesday, May 2, 2012."

But in the interim, either the Dissociated Press or -- the latter a derivative of the San Francisco Chronicle -- must have changed its proto-mind about whether the Q word was derogatory. After all, a lot of the Chronicle readers are proud to bear the title of queer, or undocumented queer.

One hopes the non-queer undocumented invaders, in Jesse Morgan's phrase, "could relate."



YIH said...

A blog I've been visiting regularly is ''Stuff Black People Don't Like'' the writer (who goes by the pseudonym ''Paul Kersey'') has also recently been contributing to VDARE. His most recent post was pretty much a link to his VDARE article.
When I clicked on it I got a reminder why I, like you got sick and tired of that site.
The PBS 'pledge drive'-style heavy-handed begging. Asking for donations is one thing but forcing visitors to click through an obnoxious ''PLEASE SEND US MONEY!!!'' pitch is over the top.

Rick Darby said...


I don't like VDare. It may once have had a use, but that time is long past. Now it's counterproductive -- a safety valve where immivasion opponents can stop by, read some gripes, and feel better. If I were a member of La Raza, I'd send a donation to keep VDare in business because its criticism of open borders accomplishes nothing but makes its naive supporters imagine they are activists.